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Please get in touch!

Housing: Our Universal Resident & Tenant Collaboration Initiative- Develop coalition of resident leaders, tenants and other stakeholders to formulate strategies for a better quality of life with, sustainability. We help or facilitate solving housing issues and other quality of life issues by collectively organizing all stakeholders to bring about positive change. BLC/ENY is the place where advocates can galvanize their collective will for change, empowerment and or correction of the quality of life for its members. If you are personally or collectively looking for an organization to partner with to strengthen your advocacy BLC is that organization that will assist you.

Interested in our services? Get in touch with us via the form below or direct contact information at the right and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Ma Mona

Winston Shillingford (Jam Down)

00:00 / 02:52


Email Address*


The Brooklyn Club 2016-2017

Alicka Samuel councilmeber 41st Dist, Mark Treyger Chair Education city council reviewing the proposed closure of Brooklyn Collegiate.

Residents of the Pink Houses, Starrett City, Linden 2013.

I. S. 224 Principal denied students the right to celebrate African American (True) history.

Contact Information

Brite Leadership Coalition

Phone: 917-754-2426


Briteleadershipcoalition/East New

Hours of Operation- Various

Please call for updated location.

Planning meetings and membership drive all year. If you are personally or collectively looking for an organization to partner with to strengthen your advocacy, BLC is that organization. We have a tremendous track record of success.

Facts are better then opinions.    

Alicka Samuel Councilmember 41st Dist. and India Sneed chief of staff.

ENY Father's Day Celebration 33yrs and counting.

Boro President of Brooklyn- Eric Adams and Rochelle Copeland, Tanaya's mother. @ Linden Park Day of Counseling, Healing, Fun and Unity.

Caravan Members

  1. Linden Park- Vincent Riggins
  2. St. John park- Regina Kinsey
  3. Parade Grounds Friends of Parks - Harriet Hines
  4. Grace Playground- Damien Mercado
  5. Wingate Park- Viva Morgan
  6. City Line Park- Terrence Williams
  7. Sankofa Park - African Burial Ground
  8. Lincoln Terrace Park Lawrence Brown
  9. Success Garden - Ora
  10. Brownsville Recreational Center Park


Viva Pinstil top 10 student in the Nation in SAT exam. 75th Pct. Community Council $500 Scholarship to Cornell U. 

Graduate of Brooklyn Colligate Preparotory H.S., Ms. Bunchy Operation Power, Viva's mother Rita Kane, sponsor Vincent Riggins Coor Sec'y 75th Pct Community Council (sponsor), Catherine Green Arts ENY, Eleanor Pinkney Nehemiah's Homeowners Asso.

Girls Basketball Tour. added to our historic Father's Day Event 2018.

This championship team came from Far Rockaway.

Eny Father's Day Celebration



St. Paul Community Baptist Church- ENY Brooklyn

* 60th Male Dist. leader Keron Alleyn

* Assemblymember Charles Barron

* Councilmember Inez Barron 42nd Dist.

* Vincent Riggins Founder Brite Leadership Coalition/ENY

Planning Committee 2018 Father's Day

* Joyce Brayboy- Sisters building Sisters in Brooklyn

* Harriet Hines- Vice President of BLC

* Fred Fortune- Brideging the Gap Basketball league

* Kenny Watson- ManUp Inc.

* Dave Fulton- member BLC and founder "Good Vibes"

* Vincent Riggins II- member BLC

* Vincent Riggins- Founder BLC

Barbara Glover- The Brooklyn Club

Vincent Riggins- Founder BLC

Gloria Corley- long term ENY activist

Education is key if you don't know it, how can you teach it.

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