UMOJA = "UNITY" UNBUNTU = "Humanity"
Phone: 917-754-2426
Email: blc_eny@aol.com

Building strong communities

Vincent Riggins preparing for the balloon
release cermony as we shout out the names
of the ancestors.

Green Gems Garden: Urban Farming with a introduction to our children. Membership is open. Contact: 917-754-2426

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Barbara Glover, Vincent Riggins &
Gloria Corley who received the awards for her sister Queenie Wooten life long member of the Brooklyn Club. 2017

Universal Resident & Tenant Collaboration Initiative
Our URTCI is focused on developing a coalition of resident, tenants and other stake holders for a better quality of life with sustainability. We help or facilitate solving housing issues by collectively organizing all stake holders to bring about positive changes. Brite Leadership Coalition is the place where advocates can galvanize their collective will for change, empowerment and or correction of the quality of life for its members. We will also help tenants form tenant/block associations and launch campaigns to address concerns. BLC's organizing principle is for each member organization to maintain their own autonomy while collectively working to achieve our agreed on agenda.
If you are personally or collectively looking for an organization to partner with to strengthen your advocacy BLC is that organization.
Call or visit today: 917-754-2426
website: Blceny.com
Social media: Briteleadershipcoalition/eny@facebook.com

Residents from Starrett City and Linden House

BLC's 1st ENY Community Health Walk 2013: Council member Inez Barron and Dist. Leader Charles Barron. St. Paul Community Baptist Church tenant leaders (NYCHA), PENY members stopped by to support and other 501 c (3) organizations.

Father's Day Celebration
Over 30yrs peaceful no violence
Special thanks goes out Cornell Sutton the ENY historical photographer. If your looking to capture a pictorial history of ENY he has it.

A prayer before the balloon release ceremony in memory of all the loved ones that have transcended.

Vincent Riggins Pres. BLC, Rebecca Starrett City Tenant Asso. Pres., Councilmen Charles Barron, Mrs. Bradley community activist.

In the fight for Justice.....Shut it down crew!

Breast Cancer Awarness Event 2013

Concern tenants of Linden House who work diligently to make sure Linden had fair elections.

Hakeem Jeffries
8th District NY
Submitted a innovative Bill to help improve security for NYCHA residents.
Titled: PJ Act
H.R. 5317

What the real ENY'ers look like!
Father's Day Celebration
Over 30yrs peaceful no violence
Be sure to attend the next one Held on the Sunday of FD weekend.

Vincent Riggins ll
Most improved student in the class of 2013.
Lincoln U
GPA 3.50+
B.S. Physical Therapy
Minor: Business Admin. Jacqueline Ferguson
B.S. Criminal Justice with honors. An example of what ENY have to offer the world.

Click here to edit text CB #5 Education committee and Indiro Castro Learning Leaders.
Why us?
Brite Leadership Coalition was founded in 1985 (previously Spring Creek Park Committee, a subsidiary of Spring Creek Athletic Federation Inc.) by Katherine Riggins and her son Vincent (Ron) Riggins. specifically to build a bridge of understanding and fellowship between the youth in targeted developments (Linden, Blvd, Penn-Wortman, Fair field Tower, Starrett City) and Brownsville. The 80's were a challenging time for New York City with server budget cuts and a destructive drug epidemic. During this time ENY was high on the national list for the number of murders. BLC took the initiative to carve out an Oasis in (Linden Park) the middle of it all. None of it would have been possible without the grace of God and the trust and respect of warring factions. Through organized sports a greater sense of community was developed.
Because of these initiative friendships where developed between young men that were at odds with one another and eventually teamed up to compete together around the city, representing ENY.
BLC continued it's volunteerism (partnership today) at Linden Park. During the 1980's the city had severe budget challenges that resulted in Park personal layoffs and a shortage of resources to maintain parks. With the help of then Boro. President Howard Golden the park volunteer program was born. He made available everything from paint, brushes, brooms, shovel, gloves, garbage bags and more. BLC took responsibility to help with the maintenance, from general clean up to painting of handball walls complete with lines. We also provided and attached padding to the single basketball support poles that use to be on the courts. In fact BLC is directly responsible for developing the methodology for keeping the walls graffiti free. And that method is employed by the parks dept. all over the city until today.
For those of you who are new to the community or not aware of the BLC organization, members are well known throughout the community: the originators of the ENY father's day Cook Out, which began on a limited scale in 1980) and have sense grown and is attended by 100’s ENY'er that have migrated all around the world. With the promotion by Maurice Holden (Moe) and Lamont (El) the tradition continues with the next generation.
The BLC senior members can be found almost any day during the summer months, planning activates, doing on going clean up and membership drives. Located on Stanley Ave between. Van Siclen and Vermont st.
800 Van Siclen Ave.